If you are driving, you can park your car beside LRT Damai station or in the Keramat Mall. It is paid parking for LRT Damai. From LRT parking, the easiest way to the BootJunk is by using the pedestrian walk. The safest place to park your car is in the Keramat Mall. Moreover, the parking is FREE until the end of 2020. Look for an elevator from the car park and go to the first floor.

The peak hour on this route is around 4.30 pm – 7.00pm because of the traffic jammed.

Suggested time:

9.00 am – 4.00 pm.

7.00 pm – 9.00 pm.


If you are using e-hailing or taxi, tell them to drop you on LRT Damai Station. Use the upper pedestrian walk and go ahead to the Keramat Mall; you will see BootJunk at the right.

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